Increase Fertility - Seven Vital Fertility Vitamins- By: Jade Wood

Description : Looking to raise your fertility levels? Then you ought to consider anything and everything that raises your odds of conceiving.. One thing to consider is how vitamin supplements may also help increase your fertility.

Why Should I Take Vitamins?

That's because vitamin supplements can re-balance your hormones, thus improving both you and your partner's overall health and well-being. This is important to accomplish a successful conception.

You might ask: "I'm already following a well-balanced and healthy diet. What do I need vitamin supplements for?"
Good question. Nonetheless, vitamin supplements ARE crucial because even the perfect diet program in the world won't include all the vitamins you need to give you the best likelihood of conceiving.

Even before you get pregnant, it's essential to evaluate your vitamin intake. Receiving the proper daily quantity of dietary supplements will help ensure your system is on its ‘A’ game. It is especially imperative for partners struggling to conceive as certain vitamins and minerals have been found to be especially beneficial in aiding fertility.

Improve Fertility With Folic Acid

You should start taking folic acid as soon as you start thinking about getting pregnant. Not only will folic acid help prevent serious birth defects such as spina bifida, it also improves fertility. Guys too can profit from folic acid to enhance the quality and amount of their sperm. Scientific studies demonstrate women who take daily multivitamins containing four hundred micro grams of folic acid were 40 percent less prone to experience ovulatory infertility.

Power Up With Vitamin C

If either you or your partner are smokers, you are possibly firing blanks in the pregnancy battle. Smoking is a particular problem for males attempting to conceive as the deadly toxins from cigarettes inevitably find their way to the semen. The toxins may cause sperm to bunch together, which seriously inhibits movement of the sperm. And if the sperm can’t move, it won’t strike its target and the couple can’t conceive.

Vitamin C is an antioxidant which can reverse some of this impairment. The recommended dietary allowance (RDA) for vitamin C is sixty milligrams per day (equal to an orange a day) for an adult male. One study found if men took one thousand mg of vitamin C every day for 2 months, their sperm counts increased by an astounding 60 percent!

Women might also profit from taking vitamin C as it increases the supply of cervical mucus which helps nourish, protect, and hurry the sperm on its way up through the uterus and into the Fallopian tubes so it can fertilize.

Take Zinc … with Caution

Zinc is an essential element of genetic material and a zinc deficiency can affect chromosome variations in either you or your partner, resulting in reduced fertility and an greater threat of miscarriage.

The key role of zinc is to allow your system to 'attract and hold' and utilize effectively the reproductive hormones, estrogen and progesterone. Low zinc can also influence sperm count and motility.

Zinc can be mixed and drank with a glass of water, but control your intake carefully. Elevated levels of zinc can be toxic too as counterproductive in your attempts to improve conception.

Reduce PMS With Calcium

Calcium is an effective way to battle Pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS). Taking in a thousand mg of calcium a day helps to decrease bloating, cramps and joint pain associated with your approaching period. Pumping up on calcium also creates strong bones, teeth and lessens the chance of developing osteoporosis later in life. In addition it benefits that tiny bundle of happiness you aspire to create inside your womb.

Reduce the Risk of Birth Defects With Selenium

Selenium is another antioxidant with various benefits. It helps protect your system from free radicals, can lessen the danger of birth defects and miscarriage, and boost low sperm counts in men.

Boost Fertility With Vitamin E

Vitamin E is another powerful anti-oxidant which has been shown to improve fertility when given to both men and women.

If you're contemplating IVF treatment, statistics shows men who receive vitamin E when their partners are undergoing IVF have seen their fertilization rates raise from 19 to 29 percent.

Be An Iron Maiden!

If when menstruating you bleed copiously, or conversely you hardly ever hemorrhage, it might be a signal you're anemic and lacking in iron. As anemia can lead to infertility, pump up on iron. Fill your body's iron reserves before you get pregnant, especially if your periods are especially heavy as blood loss every month is a constant source of iron reduction.

You ought to load up the iron right away, as once you are expecting, your body has difficulty preserving its iron levels as your baby siphons the mineral from you.

And Finally …

A final note of caution. Each one of us is different. Check with your fertility advisor before starting ANY vitamin supplement regime aimed at improving your fertility.

Article Source :

Author Resource : Jade Wood is the author and creator of a complimentary Eight Lesson Course, ‘Increase Infertility Tips’. The course includes practical and useful information you can apply TODAY to help you get pregnant - information that Jade herself used to become a mother at 38 after years of failing. Download the course HERE! NOW!